Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My Turn!

Four TV Shows I watch:
1.The Office ( Pam & Jim Forever!)
2. 30 Rock
3. Scrubs
4. Grey's Anatomy

Four Jobs I've Had:
1.Lady Foot Locker
2. Chevy's Tex Mex
3. Cougar Kids Club gymnastics teacher
4. Jenny Craig

Four Favorite Foods:
1. Ice cream
2. Any thing with smothered cheese
3. Bacon
4. Garlic Sirloin at Tucanos

Four Movies I Love: ( This was hard. I love a lot of movies)
1. The Count of Monte Cristo
2. Bandits
3. The Notebook
4. The Wedding Singer

Four Websites I visit Daily:
1. Hotmail
2. Wells Fargo
3. All the Bigler families blogs
4. Craig's list ( Provo & O.C)

Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. In California at Table Rock ( The most beautiful beach in Laguna)
2. In Hawaii some where
3. Getting a full body massage
4. In a newer home ( our 1936 house is wearing on me)

-Doing all these things with my love, of course

Now since Matt and I are kinda losers and none of our good friends or my family have blogs, we are going to tag the men in the Bigler family ( those who are bloggers at least). Their voices need to be heard too! Plus, i want to know more about them.

Tag, your it:

1 comment:

kami @ nobiggie.net said...

I want to go with you to Laguna Beach. Let's plan a trip with you as our guide. It might be some time when Kyle gets around to it, but nice of you to include him.